Chapter 18 Guide to Scientific Computing in C++

18.1 Basics

  • first compile in command line: g++ -o HelloWorld HelloWorld.cpp 也可以直接编译HelloWorld.cpp,默认的输出名字是a.out
g++ HelloWorld.cpp
  • compile flag: 让编译器保留debug信息,然后不优化代码,这样能进行debug,用“-g” flag
g++ -g -o HelloWorld HelloWorld.cpp


g++ -lm -o HelloWorld HelloWorld.cpp

18.2 Basics in C++


#include <iostream> #include <cassert> #include <cmath>
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  double a; std::cout << "Enter a non-negative number\n"; 
  std::cin >> a; assert(a >= 0.0); 
  std::cout << "The square root of "<< a; 
  std::cout << " is " << sqrt(a) << "\n"; 
  return 0;

18.3 Redirect Console Output to File

  • Require additional header file fstream: include
  • Declare an output stream variable write_output as std::ofstream
  • Specify filename Output.dat
  • Check the file is opened successfully: use assert
  • Use write_output instead of std::cout :
  • Close the file handle.

In order to finish these job, the code is

#include <cassert> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream>
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  double x[3] = {0.0, 1.0, 0.0}; 
  double y[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0}; 
  std::ofstream write_output("Output.dat"); 
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { 
  write_output << x[i] << " " << y[i] << "\n"; 
  return 0;

In scientific computing, the precision is crucial, they can be set as:

#include <iostream> 
#include <fstream>

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  double x = 1.8364238; std::ofstream write_output("Output.dat"); 
  write_output.precision(3); // 3 sig figs 
  write_output << x << "\n"; 

  write_output.precision(5); // 5 sig figs 
  write_output << x << "\n"; 

  write_output.precision(10); // 10 sig figs 
  write_output << x << "\n"; 

  return 0;

It’s similar for read file in stream with cout, just change cout to std::ifstream read_file.

The example code in the book is:

#include <cassert> 
#include <iostream> #include <fstream>

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) 
  double x[6], y[6]; 
  std::ifstream read_file("Output.dat"); 
  for (int i=0; i<6; i++) 
    read_file >> x[i] >> y[i]; 
  return 0;

This is the simplest code that just loop the given length as 6, we want read until it is end. Then we need write until get read_file.oef(), so we use while instead of for.


18.3.1 Reading from the Command Line


User want to set some parameters when executing the code.

Remind of the definition of main function

int main(int argc, char * argv[])

The argc and argv function will be used to finish this purpose.

  • Addition header filecstdlib and function atoi and atof will be sued.
#include <iostream> 
#include <cstdlib>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  std::cout << "Number of command line arguments = " << argc << "\n"; 
  for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) 
    std::cout << "Argument " << i << " = " << argv[i];
    std::cout << "\n"; 
  std::string program_name = argv[0];
  int number_of_nodes = atoi(argv[1]); 
  double conductivity = atof(argv[2]); 
  std::cout << "Program name = " << program_name << "\n"; 
  std::cout << "Number of nodes = " << number_of_nodes; 
  std::cout << "\n"; 
  std::cout << "Conductivity = " << conductivity << "\n";
  return 0;


./CommandLineCode 100 5.0


18.4 Pointer

  • Pointer Aliasing 注意同一块区域操作,比如A=A*B(都是矩阵)时,如果直接算会出问题,因为算后面的会依赖前面的值。

  • Safe Dynamic allocation: 可能会出现没有足够多的内存进行分配,要么是因为数组下标越界或者为负数,要么是因为没有足够多的物理内存。可以通过抛出异常

double *p_x;
p_x=new double[10000];


  • Every new Has a delete 在动态分配内存的时候要注意,所有分配的内存都需要被释放。当在循环内部使用动态分配内存的时候,这个问题尤其值得注意。比如:
for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) 
  double ** A; 
  A = new double * [50]; 
  for (int j=0; j<50; j++) 
    A[j] = new double [50]; 


18.5 Functions

18.5.1 Use of Pointers as function arguments.


18.6 Classess

18.6.1 Header Files

应该对引入头文件非常小心。如果include了多次会造成问题。特别是在多个cpp文件上工作时,不经意间就会造成一些问题。为了防止多次included,需要如下的代码: 如果没有被定义,则定义。也就是加一个if语句 使用宏#ifndef如果没有被定义,然后通过#endif结束:

#ifndef EXAMPLECLASSHEADERDEF // only if macro
                              // EXAMPLECLASSHEADERDEF not
                              // defined execute lines of 
                              // code until #endif 
                              // statement

#define EXAMPLECLASSHEADERDEF // define the macro 
                              // EXAMPLECLASSHEADERDEF.
                              // Ensures that this code is 
                              // only compiled once, no 
                              // matter how many times it 
                              // is included 
class ExampleClass 
  lines of code // 
  body of header file 
#endif // need one of these for every #ifndef statement

18.7 Using Makefiles to Compile Multiple Files

P94 of Guide to Scientific Computing in C++

目的:We would rather not compile all of these classes separately every time one file is modified slightly.

Class1.o : Class1.cpp Class1.hpp
        g++ -c -O Class1.cpp

Class1.o : Class1.cpp Class1.hpp 
          g++ -c -O Class1.cpp 
Class2.o : Class2.cpp Class2.hpp
          g++ -c -O Class2.cpp 
UseClasses.o : UseClasses.cpp Class1.hpp Class2.hpp
          g++ -c -O UseClasses.cpp 
UseClasses : Class1.o Class2.o UseClasses.o
          g++ -O -o UseClasses Class1.o Class2.o UseClasses.o


#include <iostream>

class ComplexNumber { 
  double mRealPart; 
  //real part
  double mImaginaryPart; 
  //imaginary part大概是虚数部分?
  ComplexNumber(); //初始化函数,让实部和虚部为0
  ComplexNumber(double x, double y); 
  double CalculateModulus() const; // 返回一个双精度浮点数包含了这个复数的模
  double CalculateArgument() const;// 
  ComplexNumber CalculatePower(double n) const; 
  ComplexNumber& operator=(const ComplexNumber& z); //这个是&的要注意,做了运算符重载?
  ComplexNumber operator-() const; 
  ComplexNumber operator+(const ComplexNumber& z) const; 
  ComplexNumber operator-(const ComplexNumber& z) const; 
  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, 
                                  const ComplexNumber& z);




ComplexNumber& ComplexNumber::
               operator=(const ComplexNumber& z)
    mRealPart = z.mRealPart; 
    mImaginaryPart = z.mImaginaryPart; 
    return * this;

这里面出现了两个&,需要看一眼是啥意思: 这里是运算符重载,重载了“=”运算符 用了 const 保证这个赋值时是拷贝而不是alter重名 所以返回的是这个类自己的地址。 然后因为是赋值,所以指向了给定值,然后给了一个const,所以不会被改变。 下面的“-”的重载就没用取地址和指针,这个“-”是取符号不是“减”。

ComplexNumber ComplexNumber::operator-() const 
  ComplexNumber w;
  w.mRealPart = -mRealPart;
  w.mImaginaryPart = -mImaginaryPart;
  return w; 

然后 是加运算符

// Overloading the binary + operator 
ComplexNumber ComplexNumber::operator+(const ComplexNumber& z) const 
    ComplexNumber w;
    w.mRealPart = mRealPart + z.mRealPart;
    w.mImaginaryPart = mImaginaryPart + z.mImaginaryPart;
    return w; 

这里的参数又用了const ComplexNumber& z Point &pt2=pt1; 定义了pt2为pt1的引用。通过这样的定义,pt1和pt2表示同一对象。 所以大部分都是引用的感觉。。。

所以上面是引用了z,所以是z的正常调用(而且不能更改z),然后把值丢到一个新的w里面。 这叫常引用,可以不开辟新的内存空间,而又不会影响原值。

18.8 类的继承


#include <string> 
#include "Book.hpp" 
class Ebook: public Book 
  std::string hiddenUrl; 

这是继承的基础语法 新的东西是覆盖了初始构造函数的新构造函数Ebook(),和一个std::string的类成员hiddenUrl.


18.8.1 继承类的实时多态 Run-Time Polymorphism

#ifndef GUESTDEF 
#define GUESTDEF

#include <string>

class Guest 
  std::string name, roomType, arrivalDate;
  int numberOfNights;
  double telephoneBill;
  virtual double CalculateBill(); 


关注点在virtual关键字,是告诉编译器这个方法可能被继承的类覆盖了。 这就是虚函数了。。

18.9 模板



#include <iostream>

template<class T> T GetMaximum(T number1, T number2); 

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    std::cout << GetMaximum<int>(10, -2) << "\n"; 
    std::cout << GetMaximum<double>(-4.6, 3.5) << "\n"; return 0; 

template<class T> T GetMaximum(T number1, T number2) 
    T result; 
    if (number1 > number2) 
        result = number1; 
        //number1 <= number2 
        result = number2; 
    return result;


18.9.1 Brief Survey of the Standard Template Library Vector

18.10 Class for linear algebra

每个new 需要匹配一个 delete.